Diabetic Retinal Exam

Diabetic retinopathy is a potentially sight-threatening disease of the retinal microvasculature. It causes severe sight impairment that can get worse over time.

With diabetic retinopathy, regular screenings are important as many symptoms may not develop until the disease is quite severe. The earlier we can detect it, the more effectively we can treat it.

Among the different exam methods we use, popular ones include:

This measures your eye’s ability to focus and see various details at different distances. It helps detect vision loss.

With this we see the back of your eye and are able to detect a clouding of your lens, changes to retina and various other problems.

We use gonioscopy to see whether the area where the fluid drains from your eye is closed. If your doctor suspects you have glaucoma, this test will be done.

Here we measure the level of pressure inside the eye. Again, this is used to detect glaucoma as diabetes can greatly increase your risk of glaucoma.

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