Vision Therapy

An effective solution

Vision therapy is a kind of therapy conducted in a more physical approach for the brain and eyes. This is a non-surgical treatment which is highly effective for various eye disorders such as double vision, crossed eyes, lazy eye, insufficiency of convergence, reading and learning disabilities. Patients who have been turned down and told to live with their condition have in fact benefited from this technology.

For learning disabilities, vision therapy is directed specifically towards solving optical problems that interfere with learning, reading and receiving instruction educationally. However, it is not claimed to be a direct cure for learning disabilities.

Components of a Vision Therapy Program

  • Conducted under the supervision of physicians
  • In-office procedure consisting of 30 minutes to 1 hour biweekly sessions
  • Step-by-step program consisting of vision exercises and procedures
  • Supplementary at home procedures often provided, to be done between visits to the office
  • Procedures usually prescribed to:
    • Improve ease, comfort, and efficiency of vision
    • Help develop fundamental skills of vision and improve those abilities
    • Modify how patients interpret or process visual information

Not Just Vision Exercises

Unlike other exercise based treatments, vision therapy does not focus on strengthening of eye muscles. Patients’ eye muscles already have incredible strength. Vision therapy is by no means any self-help program full of exercises, contrary to how it has been marketed.

Vision therapy is supervised in office by our experienced optometrists and staff members. Different medical tools or specialized equipment can be put to use in optometric vision therapy process.

Some of these are:

  • Optical filters
  • Prismatic lens (regulated)
  • Therapy lens (regulated)
  • Corrective lens (regulated)
  • Eye-patch or occluder
  • Balance board (vestibular)
  • Electronic target, including timing machine
  • Visual-motor-sensory integration training equipment
  • Computer software

To begin the process of vision therapy, the first step is to get a vision exam done comprehensively. After evaluation, you will be advised by one of our qualified optometrists on whether or not it will be appropriate for you to opt for vision therapy.

Make An Appointment

Please call ahead or book online an appointment for you and your whole family!